Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Rock Cimbing (Sept 2005)

Olomana Hike

This was the longest hike I went for...6 miles up and down 3 ridges! Su Lynn lied to me. Told me it was only 3 miles (cos I told her I will not go for any hikes more than5 miles long). Of course silently, she forgot to tell me that it's 3 miles one way. She said she did tell me...but I'm sticking to my story! Took us about 6 hours. But it was wonderful. Lots of climbing, laughing, sweating etc.

New Year's Celebration 2004/2005

Just thought of uploading some New Year's Pics. This is from 2004/2005 New year's

Makapuu Tidepools

One of the most beautiful spots on the island. Water's clear...and we've gotta climb down a cliff to get to the tide pools....Now that was fun. You know how I love rock climbing!!

Hidden Valley Hike - Kehikili

This is..I think my first hike with the group. I think it was in 2004 or early 2005 ...It was torturous for me...but I made it. Too bad, it wasn't raining the day before...if not there would have been a really nice water fall.

Getting older every year!

Birthday 2005 - At Alan Wong's with friends I love

Birthday 2005 - With the Su and Len. My wonderful gals here in Hawaii.

Birthday 2004 - Hhmmm, my version of my birthday cake. Thanks Danny!

Birthday 2004- at Palaminos with the Gals, Michelle, Su, Len and Yuko

Birthday 2004- with the Ong Brothers, Simon and Brendan

Birthday 2002-Presents from Su...yeah more stuff from Bath and Bodyworks!

Birthday 2002 - At 3660 on the Rise with Amy and Michelle

The Umbrella Gals

Haha...heard of the Umbrella girls of the F1 races...Well, we became Brendan Ong's umbrella girls when he was racing. Kindda funny cos he's the only one that had a fan club going on.
Hei...what are friends for right??
Brendan and his well known "Flying Nipple"!

Boo....scary Halloweens

Some of the past halloweens that we had here in Hawaii...
Halloween 2005-with dressed up "baby" Twu Yong

Halloween 2005 - Su, G and I forgot his name.

Halloween 2005

Halloween 2005

Halloween 2005

Halloween 2003 - Me (Mamasan) with my "Gals" and a freaky tall something

Haloween 2003 - Mandy and her younger sis

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil and touch no evil???

With the Hulk (Dan)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

College & Uni Days

All Around the World..

These are just some snap shots.... a little peep hole to my travelling days

At the base of Pyramid Khafre....one of the 3 great pyramids

Hollywood - The land of dreams....

The romantic city of Paris - taken from the top of Arc D'Triomphe looking out towards the Eiffel Tower

It's snowing in Frankfurt,Germany

In Sydney with Amy

Melbourne - With Jess & Han San

A precious picture now after 9-11

Damn...I feel young at Disneyland... I don't wanna grow up...I'm a Disneyland kid

In flight...